Why GPS is a primary source of data for GIS

While this is a text on how to use GPS in GIS–and hence is primarily concerned with positional issues, it would not be complete without mentioning what may, for the average person, be the most important facet of GPS: providing Earth with a universal, exceedingly accurate time source. Allowing any person or piece of equipment to know the exact time has tremendous implications for things we depend on every day (like getting information across the Internet, like synchronizing the electric power grid and the telephone network). Further, human knowledge is enhanced by research projects that depend on knowing the exact time in different parts of the world. For example, it is now possible to track seismic waves created by earthquakes, from one side of the earth, through its center, to the other side, since the exact time may be known worldwide.


The subject of this blog is the use of GPS as a method of collecting locational data for Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The appropriateness of this seems obvious, but let’s explore some of the main reasons for making GPS a primary source of data for GIS:

• Availability: In 1995, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) declared NAVSTAR to have “final operational capability.” Deciphered, this means that the DoD has committed itself to maintaining NAVSTAR’s capability for civilians at a level specified by law, for the foreseeable future, at least in times of peace. Therefore, those with personal GPS tracking devices may locate their positions anywhere on the Earth.

• AccuracyGPS tracker allows the user to know position information with remarkable accuracy. A receiver operating by itself, can let you locate yourself within 10 to 20 meters of the true position. (And later you will learn how to get accuracies of 2 to 5 meters.) At least two factors promote such accuracy:
First, with GPS, we work with primary data sources. Consider one alternative to using GPS to generate spatial data: the digitizer. A digitizer is essentially an electronic drawing table, wherewith an operator traces lines or enters points by “pointing”–with “crosshairs” embedded in a clear plastic “puck”–at features on a map. One could consider that the ground-based portion of a GPS system and a digitizer are analogous: the Earth’s surface is the digitizing table, and the GPS receiver antenna plays the part of the cross-hairs, tracing along, for example, a road. But data generation with GPS takes place by recording the position on the most fundamental entity available: the Earth itself, rather than a map or photograph of a part of the Earth that was derived through a process involving perhaps several transformations.

Secondly, GPS itself has high inherent accuracy. The precision of a digitizer may be 0.1 millimeters (mm). On a map of scale 1:24,000, this translates into 2.4 meters (m) on the ground. A distance of 2.4 m is comparable to the accuracy one might expect of the properly corrected data from a medium-quality GPS Tracking Device . It would be hard to get this out of the digitizing process. A secondary road on our map might be represented by a line five times as wide as the precision of the digitizer (0.5 mm wide), giving a distance on the ground of 12 m, or about 40 feet.


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