Rearview mirror camera is successful in reducing and preventing crimes

Many security consultants and security firms are hired to advise taxi companies on methods to help themselves. Situational crimeprevention measures, such as partitions between drivers and passengers, video cameras, and GPS rearview mirror , are possible solutions that can reduce the risk to drivers. The most recent statistics from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that cab drivers are ten times more likely to be killed on the job than the average worker. The use of electronic video surveillance (surveillance and security cameras and closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems) has increased rapidly in both the private security industry and law enforcement. Electronic video surveillance systems can passively record and play back video at certain intervals, be actively monitored by security personnel, or be used in a combination of these methods. Some evidence suggests that video surveillance is successful in reducing and preventing crimes and is helpful in prosecuting criminals.

Recall that, in the London Underground bombings in 2005, video from the vast network of public surveillance cameras helped police identify the suicide bombers within days. Electronic video surveillance has several objectives, including a reduction in crime and disorder, making people feel safer, and providing evidence for police investigations. Prior to using such surveillance, a basic security audit is generally conducted to determine whether the electronic video surveillance is needed and how it should be designed. The two basic recording processes in electronic video surveillance are videocassette recorders and digital recorders. A switcher allows switching between multiple cameras and multiplexes, allowing recording and displaying images of several cameras simultaneously. Surveillance cameras can operate in low-light and nighttime situations by using infrared (light that cannot be seen by the human eye) technology located at the camera head to provide “invisible” lighting for the camera’s use. VCR recorders had been standard in electronic video surveillance; however, this technology has had drawbacks, and tapes become damaged each time they are run through the VCR, resulting in an absence of detail. Digital video systems provide advantages to standard VCR recording in image quality and ease of use. The latest in CCTV technology is the digital video recorder (Rearview Mirror DVR ).

A DVR records images directly to a conventional computer hard drive as bits of data, instead of recording analog images to a moving medium like VHS tape. This is fundamentally similar to the technology used in consumer products like TiVo and Ultimate TV. Digital recording is a relatively new technology and in a state of constant flux and evolution. DVRs are sensitive electronic components that are vulnerable to power strikes and electrical interruptions and that need to be carefully handled. Digitally stored images can be preserved indefinitely and can be replicated without loss of quality. Smart DVR also allow for simultaneous recording and playback, better picture quality than tape, and quick searches of stored data using a wide variety of parameters. Digital closed-circuit television is one of the fastest-growing segments of the security industry. There is debate in the electronics industry about the value and best use of DVRs; however, most experts believe that they make credible and effective event-based recording a reality. The management of CCTV footage is simplified and the effectiveness is enhanced. Many DVRs have network compatibility and can be programmed to connect to a remote site, over either a network or a dial-up connection. A copy of the video clip can then be transmitted, allowing security to quickly assess the site status. Digital recording also results in reductions in maintenance costs and wasted personnel hours spent searching for video clips.


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