Security Camera Systems: Going Wireless

Wireless security cameras are becoming more popular recently. They are used in many different areas. They can be put almost anywhere, since it is not necessary for them to be plugged in, and they are reasonably priced. The main drawback to Wireless Home Monitor is that the battery must be changed frequently. They do often come with multiple battery packs so you can have new ones charged and ready to go. There has also recently been some exciting new research on imaging chips and batteries which may soon remove this stumbling block.

Wireless security cameras provide surveillance for homes or businesses. The uses of these cameras vary; those with remote access allow users to monitor activity inside of their homes to view interaction between caregivers and a child or to monitor children home alone. Outdoor cameras provide additional security by allowing users to view visitors at the door before opening it and to monitor perimeters of their home and grounds. Businesses rely on these wireless home monitoring as well. Many wireless security cameras have motion and sound sensors that send out alerts to the user if the sensor triggers. Wireless cameras also allow users to install them in areas where wired security systems are not feasible. Knowing about the varied features offered by wireless security camera allows consumers to make an informed decision before purchasing one.

Wireless = Do It Yourself

One of the biggest advantages of a wireless home alarm system is the fact that you can install it yourself. So a wireless system is in essence a DIY (Do It Yourself) security system. The installation for most systems won’t take long – and simply involves sticking sensors in various locations in your home. You’ll usually want sensors behind all your doors, including your garage doors. Window sensors, while a good idea in the back of your home, can be replaced by motion sensors that cover the same area. In fact, you can usually cover several windows with one motion sensor. There’s also a price advantage in using motion sensors over window sensors – and that is, you can get one sensor instead of several. Not only will you not have to buy several window sensors, you also won’t need a glass break sensor, which is important in addition to a window sensor (if a burglar breaks the glass on a windows, the standard window sensor, which senses movement of the window frame, won’t be triggered).

How Wireless Security Camera Systems Work

Wireless Security cameras have a transmitter that sends a video signal to a receiver connected to a TV, VCR, computer, or other video equipment. One of the biggest differences between different models and costs is the range of the transmitter. Models can work from anywhere between a couple hundred feet and 10 miles or more. They can penetrate almost any kind of solid material. The video footage can be recorded and/or watched with live. To protect your home, your security camera system will probably require multiple cameras. Entry points into your home and property are standard, but sensitive areas such as pools, gardens, and playscapes are also common places for video surveillance.

Advantages of Wireless Security Cameras

The big advantage of wireless security cameras is they can be placed essentially anywhere you want and need them. They are relatively inexpensive and easy to install. Not only does the wireless design forego the need to drill a trench in your yard or add electrical wiring in your home, the versatility of installation increases your options for hidden security camera systems. While visible security cameras can act as a warning to burglars, if a burglar can see the camera he can probably also avoid and/or disable it. The one notable drawback to wireless security cameras is that their batteries must be recharged/replaced every 4 to 8 hours. More expensive models may have designs that accommodate more powerful batteries.

The other advantage to a wireless system that you install yourself is that you can save not only on installation costs, but on moving costs. If you ever need to move, you a) won’t have to uninstall all your hard wired sensors, control panel, etc. and try and move them (which can be a pain; ie. wireless sensors and components are much easier to move around), and b) you may well save on re-installation costs. Most home alarm companies that offer wireless DIY security systems should allow you to move the system to your new home at no additional charge. Furthermore, it will be much easier to actually move your system. When we moved ours, all we did was pack up all the sensors, components, and control panel, box them up, move them, and re-install them. Didn’t take more than a couple hours in total.

As we implement security measures in the form of security cameras and systems, it is always wise to secure these devices as well. Security cameras help us conveniently monitor our properties while we're away, but if the wrong people gain access, not only does it violate our privacy, but we can become targets. Prevent hackers from gaining access by utilizing the tips mentioned above.

Your safety is important to us. For the best affordable, high quality security cameras, visit us online at To speak with us directly, you can call us at 86-755 6664-2520, our staff is always ready and willing to help.


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