Wireless Video Technologies - Video Baby Monitors

There are dozens of different Wireless Security Cameras, which has its advantages and its disadvantages.The greatest benefit is the ease with which developers, inventors, and innovators can create bigger, better, and more exciting solutions for the problems we encounter.The single biggest disadvantage is that all of these devices are now sharing a relatively small frequency space, causing collisions, intrusions, and signal distortion. Although we’ll be focusing strictly on wireless video, it’s important to understand the other devices that can interfere with testing. It’s not uncommon for someone to have a cordless phone near their computer or a Bluetooth headset for their cell phone, that tries to connect when a call comes in. Identifying possible sources of confusion up front will make your wireless video test much more successful. Before we look at ways of locating wireless video, let’s look at some of the products you might run into while you’re hard at work.
Video Baby Monitors
Wireless Home Monitor have evolved to the point where wireless video is an inexpensive alternative to the traditional audio of monitors in years past. Multiple vendors have released multiple versions of these devices, which provide parents with the convenience of keeping an eye on a sleeping child or a child playing in another room.The products range in price from $100 USD to several hundred dollars. Video baby monitors transmit on the 2.4 GHz frequency set and typically have a signal distance of roughly 300 feet in a clear line-of-sight situation. Many of the cameras also offer zero light imaging as long as the camera is within 10 feet of the subject.These devices are found in most neighborhoods and, in some cases, the signal distance can carry the video feed a block or two from the source. These devices were originally wired devices that were connected to a video recording device. However, in the last several years they have evolved into wireless devices.The actual camera is hidden within the teddy bear (presumably set on a shelf overlooking the room being monitored) and the receiver is attached to a recording device.The signals traverse through the air, unencrypted. Security Cameras Having the ability to monitor a home or business for nefarious individuals has always been a concern. Until the advent of closed-circuit systems, most businesses had security guards or guard dogs on the premises. However, closed-circuit systems require a fairly lengthy installation process and aren’t as accessible to home users as a wireless solution. In this section, we cover some of the possibilities when using wireless security cameras.

There are a plethora of other wireless camera systems on the market; some strictly for indoor use and some strictly for outdoor use. Consumers can choose black and white or color; audio or no audio. In the majority of cases, regardless of the camera system being used, the standard being used for the wireless transmission remains the same. An exception to this rule are GSM Security camera , which can also be detected using these mechanisms; however, they operate on different frequencies. Most of these systems operate between 900 Megahertz (MHz) and 1.2 GHz, if they’re not in the 2.4 GHz range. Regardless of the target system, we have the means to locate, identify, and potentially alter the signals being sent from these systems.
More information at http://www.jimilab.com/ .


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